Antenna Trainer Motorized (GUI Based)

Antenna Trainer Motorized
Antenna Trainer ATC-5000 is a low cost high performance antenna training system. It is designed to be used in two distinct ways; for teaching and demonstrating common antenna configurations at all levels of study especially for Technical Colleges and Engineering Universities for undergraduate and graduate courses., It is also used as a design tool for those engaged in research and development of projects in communication.
ATC-5000 is completely computerized antenna trainer that performs PC based automated rotation of receiving antennas at predefined angles and GUI-based polar plots of radiation patterns of each antenna. It comprises of C-Band microwave transmitter receiver and set of eight different type of antennas. ATC-5000 software provides signal level at receiver for each rotational step, azimuthal angle, polar plot of radiation pattern and beam width of each antenna.
- Stand alone, Low cost system
- Motorized antenna rotation
- GUI-based Antenna Pattern Measurement by RS-232 interface
- Modulated 5.15GHz DRO source
- No ancillary equipment required
- Bench-top operation Safe low power output
- Simple, robust stands for antenna mount
- Conveniently packed for inventory control
- More antennas can be added on the users course requirement
- Safe low power output
- C-BandTransmitter
- C-Band Receiver
- Slotted Line
- Dipole Antenna
- Pyramidal HornAntenna
- Yagi-UdaAntenna
- Helical Antenna
- Microstrip Antenna
- Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna
- 4 Element MicrostripArrayAntenna
- CablesSMA(m) toSMA(m)
- 30 dB Atenuattor
- RS-232 interface with software CD
- Familiarization with Antenna Trainer
- Study of Antenna Polarization, Axial Ratio and Tilt Angle of a circularly polarized antenna.
- Study of Dipole antenna and its radiation pattern
- Study of Horn antenna and its radiation pattern
- Measurement of the Gain of Horn Antenna
- Study of Yagi antenna and its radiation pattern
- Study of Helical antenna and its radiation pattern
- Study of Microstrip Antenna and its radiation pattern
- Study of Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna and its radiation pattern
- Study of Four Element Rectangular Patch Array Antenna
- Study of Double Dipole Array Antenna
- Study of slotted line and measurement of Wavelength and Frequency
- Measurement of VSWR using Slotted line
- Measurement of Unknown Impedance
- Study of Double Stub Tuner
- Center Frequency: 5150MHz
- Output Power: 10 dBm
- RF.source: RF.source: Dielectric Resonator Oscillator
- Center Frequency: 5150MHz
- Band width: 50MHz
- Sensitivity: -30dBi
- Motor rotation: 0º to 180º with 5º step
- Gain: 7.42dBi
- HP Beam width: 62
- Polarization: Linearº
- Driven elements: Four element array
- Polarization: Linear
- Gain: 6dBi
- Effective Angle: 125º
- Gain: 12dBi
- Patch Elements: 4
- Aperture efficiency: 50 %
- Diameter: 31 cm
- Directivity: 21.5dBi
- Feed: Dipole disk feed
- AR: 1.1
- Directivity: 14.6
- HPBW:37.5º
- FNBW:83º
- Directivity: 1.64
- Impedance: 50 Ohm
- Pattern: Omni directional
- Polarization: Linear
- Directivity: 7.5 dBi
- Impedance: 50 Ohm
- Polarization: Linear
- Length: 7cm
- Attenuation: 30dB
- Tolerance: ± 0.5dB
- Peak Power: 2 watts